MANALAPAN, NJ – January 24, 2020 – The SBOANJ is in the process of collecting data to complete the state required status report on the harness racing industry.
The state has requested an end of the year report be submitted to determine whether or not the state appropriation funding has helped the horse industry as a whole.
The state will review the report and determine the status of future funding.
We need cooperation, from all trainers stabled at New Jersey training centers, to gather information which is vital for the future of our industry.
It is very important to the final report that we receive the two forms back by February 1, 2020.
Click on links below for the two forms: a historical data form and a quarterly data form which is for 2019. Please fill them out to the best of your ability. If you are unable to complete the historical data questionnaire information, fill in as "NA".
Please return the forms to the SBOANJ by one of the following means Email: Fax: 732-409-0741 Mail: 64 Rt. 33 Manalapan, NJ 07726.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact the office at 732-462-2357.
Historical Data Form –
Current Data Form –
Courtney Stafford