HRV Annual Report tabled in Parliament

On behalf of Harness Racing Victoria (HRV) we are pleased to advise the 2020-21 HRV Annual Report has today been tabled in Victorian Parliament and can be viewed online by clicking here.

FY21 was another difficult year for several reasons as the COVID-19 pandemic continued to challenge us all in different ways.

But through the hard work and commitment of our industry participants, staff and clubs, our industry has been able to continue racing safely and it is pleasing to be able to advise of a $2.9m net operating profit.

As an industry, harness racing in Victoria will emerge from COVID-19 a stronger and more cohesive entity, with collaboration between kindred bodies, participants and HRV as strong as it has been in a long time.

FY22 will present another series of challenges in the current global environment, but it will also be an exciting period for our sport.

The TROTS24 strategic plan, which we have committed to, will continue to drive growth and excellence in our industry. It is an exciting, long-term journey and weā€™re looking forward to working with all industry participants, clubs and kindred bodies to continue to improve harness racing in Victoria.

Next year, of course, we see the return of the Inter Dominion to Victoria. This is something we are very much looking forward to. But between now and then we have many wonderful racing events and itā€™s a great time to be involved in our industry.

On behalf of the Board and the HRV Executive Management Team, thank you to all in the industry who have played such an important role throughout FY21.

We look forward to a prosperous and rewarding FY22.

– Dale Monteith (HRV Chairman) and Dayle Brown (HRV CEO)

Click here to read the 2021 Annual Report

From Harness Racing Victoria

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