East Rutherford, NJ – The Meadowlands “Driver Approval” process begins this weekend as the driver colony
begins to take shape for stakes season. The drivers that will be required to apply to compete throughout the “Championship Meet” are those who made 200 starts and earned over $1 million at The Meadowlands during the 2021 stakes season from May 1 through November 20.
They will be expected to race at The Meadowlands on every live card from March 4 through the end of stakes season; exceptions may be made for stakes at other tracks and approved personal absences.
Applications will be accepted starting April 18 for the month of May and the process for application and approval will continue each month.
Those applications may be emailed to JSettlemoir@PlayMeadowlands.com between April 18 and 20. Drivers coming from other circuits are welcome to participate in all stakes and overnights at The Meadowlands. They should contact Mr. Settlemoir at the above address and make him aware of their intention to drive.
Those drivers will be required to abide by the same guidelines as those competing regularly at The Meadowlands.
From the Meadowlands