Racing Queensland (RQ) Stewards today concluded an inquiry arising from a stable inspection conducted at the property of licensed trainer Mathew Neilson on Saturday, 31 January 2015.
Mr Neilson was observed allegedly stomach tubing a horse, identified as My Aliyana, which was engaged to race that evening at Albion Park.
After taking further evidence from Mr Neilson and Dr Bruce Young, Manager, Veterinary Services of the Queensland Government Racing Science Centre, Stewards issued a charge against Mr Neilson pursuant to AHR Rule 193(1) which reads:
“A person shall not attempt to stomach tube or stomach tube a horse nominated for a race or event within 48 hours of the commencement of the race or event.”
Specifics of the charge being that on Saturday, 31 January 2015, at the stables of licensed trainer Mathew Neilson, he did stomach tube a horse named My Aliyana which was engaged to compete in Race 9 at Albion Park that evening.
Mr Neilson pleaded not guilty to the charge, however on hearing further submissions and reviewing the available evidence Stewards were of the view that the charge could be sustained as issued and formally found him guilty.
In determining penalty Stewards were mindful of the particular circumstances of this case, the seriousness of this rule, the deterrent effect of a penalty and the impact of any penalty on Mr Neilson’s personal and financial circumstances as tendered in his submissions.
Stewards deemed the appropriate penalty be the disqualification of Mr Neilson’s licences to train and drive for a period of 12 months backdated to commence 31 January 2015, the day on which he was stood down.
Mr Neilson was advised of his appeal rights.
Panel: D Farquharson, K Wolsey, L Wilson
Racing Queensland