HIGH-profile Queensland harness racing identity Kevin Seymour has spoken against the introduction of the Tracking Towards Sustainability Plan (TTS) which is set to impact on the livelihoods of the state's racing industry members.
Racing Queensland (RQ) on Thursday released its TTS which it proposes to introduce from April 1 to help what it claims is a Queensland racing industry debt crisis.
RQ reports of an $11.2 million loss last financial year while the industry is staring at a projected loss of $28 million loss for the current year.
TTS proposals contained in a 96-page document include significant prizemoney cuts across the thoroughbred, harness and greyhound codes.
Seymour claims none of the codes should be facing finacial cuts and has suggested options he believes could ease RQ's financial pressure and aid industry members.
Below is a press release issued yesterday by Seymour.
"As an industry no code should be facing prizemoney cuts," Seymour stated.
"The racing industry and government needs to find solutions to taking the industry forward.
"They cannot afford for owners to take their horses interstate to participate in the higher prizemoney offered by those states.
"As a collective sport there is over 30,000 people working for the industry and the loss of jobs will be significant if prize money is cut and as a consequence participants lost to the industry.
"The first thing that must be done is to be proactive and offer the government opportunities to create employment and revenues for a wide raft of suppliers.
"This industry is suffering from not receiving the same level of support that the NSW and Victorian racing industries receive from their governments.
"Immediately Queensland needs to be put in a position at least equal the other eastern Australian states."
1. As an example (put Queensland on parity).
If the government reduced the amount of tax it takes from every $100 wagered in Queensland from $1.93 to $1.28 it would give the industry approximately $15 million
2. The industry should receive $15 million from virtual racing as promised by the government.
"These two initiatives alone would give the Industry approximately $30 per annum and would actually mean prizemoney can increase, and/or contribute to capital works that are required at many race clubs in Queensland," Seymour said.
"Both the industry and government needs to work together to create a well resourced and vibrant racing industry creating more employment opportunities for Queensland."
By Glen McCullough