One of the most interesting harness racing newcomers to the NSW breeding scene this coming season will be the young trotting sire Timothy Red, the first son of a champion American trotter in Muscle Hill to stand at stud in the State.

He is slated to stand at the Medowie Lodge stud, of leading studmaster Darren Reay, Medowie, near Newcastle.
Timothy Red only had 18 starts as a three and four-year-old, winning five races including four at Menangle and took a mile record of 1:55.6.
The crowning achievement of Timothy Red’s career were his back-to-back successes in the 2021 Inter Dominion Trotting Championship. He established an Australasian record rating of 1:57.1 for 2400 metres defeating Pink Galahs, Tough Monarch, Enhance Your Calm and co in the opening heat at Menangle.
Four days later he downed the eventual Grand Final winner Maori Law in a heat at Bathurst, breaking the track record for 1730 metres from behind the mobile with a 1:56.2 rate.
But for a leg injury there would have been no doubt that Timothy Red would have added substantially to his bankroll.
Timothy Red is a royally-bred horse by any standards, and he can claim a speed inheritance matched by few trotting sires. His sire Muscle Hill (1:50.2), champion of his time and one of the greatest trotters raced in America, has come to the forefront as a sire as have other great trotting sons of Muscles Yankee.
Muscle Hill was the leading trotting sire in America on five occasions and has left the winners of more than $100million and three on the 1:50 list.
But on his dam’s side Timothy Red is also impeccably bred. He is out of the top racemare Aleppo Midas (1:56.3), a sister to the Breeders Crown champion Aleppo Sunrise and $100,000 earner Aleppo Murphy and a half-sister to the Matriarch winner Aleppo Jewel.
Aleppo Midas, a Listed winner of $142,000, also ranks as the dam of the brilliant dual Group 1 winner Alpha Male. She was by Sundon, the leading sire of trotters in both New Zealand and Australia for more than a decade.
His service fee is an affordable $2,200 including GST. For bookings and further information contact Darren Reay on 0429 817 199 or
by Peter Wharton, for Harnesslink