Victorian harness racing studs are getting on the front foot with unprecedented incentives aimed at luring hesitant breeders in the 2024 season.

Studs were blindsided and angered by Harness Racing Victoria’s shock announcement that the State’s futurity scheme VicBred would be slashed from January 1, 2025.
HRV’s “pathway to sustainability” savaged VicBred futurities, previously up to $12000 under the VicBred “Pure” scheme (progeny from Victorian-based mares bred to a Colonial-bred stallion), and will be capped at $5000 in 2025.
Northern Rivers Equine and Llowalong Farms Principle Kath McIntosh said studs had been “caught on the hop” and breeders had responded immediately with their decisions for the current season.
“Usually we breed over 100 mares, and we would usually rebreed 75 percent of those mares that we foal down each year,” McIntosh told Paul Campbell, of Campbells Comments.
“This year I think we would be lucky to be rebreeding 40 – people are just not wanting to breed,” she said.
McIntosh wasted no time in announcing a multiple mare discount rate of $1000 (+GST) for three of the stud’s stallions: Soho Tribeca, Raging Bull and Yankee Rockstar, who were previously priced at up to $4000.
“Technically, you could breed three Raging Bulls, for example, for the price of one with this,” McIntosh explained.
“The stallion owners have been really good. When I spoke to them they were keen to support Victorian breeders through this difficult time – and this offer is for breeders in NSW and Qld too, where they can get their dual eligibility for these stallions,” she said.
“There’s a lot of negativity around but we’re saying to people still have a go! There is life in the industry, it will turn around at some point and we are here to try to support the breeders through this.”
Alabar Farms also acknowledged the uncertainty in Victoria was impacting on bookings for the current season, and offered current breeders $1000 vouchers to sires Tactical Approach, Pebble Beach, Vincent, Ride High and The Storm Inside.
“It’s certainly not an easy time for breeders – we want to acknowledge this, thank them for supporting our stallions in the past and to do something tangible to help them,” Alabar general manager Brett Coffey said.
“There’s no better experience than breeding a foal and seeing it grow into a racehorse and we know anyone involved in the sport feels the same way. Keeping the breeding numbers up is vital to the whole industry picture and we want to support our clients in their breeding endeavours this season.”