Victoria raises huge funds for prostate cancer

The Long Trot, Harness Racing Victoria’s (HRV) partnership with the Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia, has raised $22,460 for the cause.

The record result builds on a strong association between the pair and was in large part inspired by champion trainer David Aiken’s personal battle with prostate cancer.

Prostate Cancer ambassadors Chris Alford and Greg Sugars (HRV Photo)

The Long Trot team included HRV staff and industry participants who collectively clocked up 1663 kilometres for Prostate Cancer Awareness Month during September.

More than 24,000 Australian men are likely to be diagnosed with prostate cancer this year, including more than 5300 in Victoria. Ten men in Australia die every day from prostate cancer. The Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia aims to reduce the impact of prostate cancer on these men, their partners and families.

HRV Interim CEO Fiona Mellor says she is proud of the way the industry rose to this important challenge.

“The Victorian harness racing community has dug deep to help a worthy cause,” Mellor said.

“Together our ambassadors Greg Sugars, Chris Alford and David Aiken registered 40 wins for the month, when Chris and Greg drove an amazing 470 racing kilometres in the sulky.

“Other members of The Long Trot team also ran, walked and rode as part of their efforts. On top of this, HRV pledged $10,000 which rounded up its vow to tip in $200 for every victory by the team.

“Early detection of prostate cancer can mean living a normal life versus life-altering treatment. Early detection is a simple blood test. Request one now from your GP, because too many men are not demanding this simple blood test from their GPs.

“If you have a family history, you should be tested in your 40s. If no family history, tested in your 50s. That’s why HRV supporting PCFA is as much about raising funds for research into a cure as it is about public awareness for men and their loved ones.”

PCFA CEO Anne Savage says teams like The Long Trot are the reason vital funds are going to prostate cancer awareness.

“For over 70 years HRV has helped champion (our) community,” she said. “Through our partnership, we’re helping men take power back against prostate cancer, driving for survival.

“We’re hugely grateful to HRV and (its) team The Long Trot for raising (money) in The Long Run, ensuring champions like David Aiken go the distance against prostate cancer.”

Donations can still be made to the cause until the end of October. Click here for more information.

by Greta Burgio, for HRV

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