Harness racing participants across Victoria are voting with their feet to send a clear message of frustration and disillusionment with their industry body, Harness Racing Victoria.
A consultation roadshow began rolling out late last week at locations across the State, facilitated by the industry’s kindred bodies – Victorian Harness Racing Club, Trots Clubs Victoria, Victorian Harness Racing Trainers and Drivers Association, Victorian Square Trotters Association and Harness Breeders Victoria.

The industry has been rocked by deep stakes cuts and a raid by HRV on Victoria’s futurity scheme VicBred after it confirmed in its annual report a $66M debt, including a disastrous $24 million loss for the 2024 financial year.
The hunger from participants to be heard was clear with 60 people turning out for the first forum at Cranbourne eight days ago, followed this week by 100 at Shepparton, 75 at Ballarat and 100 at Terang.
A spokesman for the groups VHRC treasurer Shane Gloury said in addition to strong attendances, the events were providing a forum for healthy discussion.
“There is some very strong feedback coming through around Vicbred Bonuses, stakemoney cuts, the National Rating System and the Stallion Levy,” Gloury said.
“Participants are grateful for the opportunity to be heard and to have input and they are clearly frustrated and disillusioned with HRV over their lack of communication and consultation,” he said.
The forums are providing participants with an update on the current state of the industry and progress made since an industry rally in August attended by 500 people.
They are also intended as a platform for engagement, consultation, and feedback on the critical issues impacting participants’ involvement in our sport.
The Kindred Bodies “warmly welcomed” the much-anticipated recent appointment of a new chairman to the HRV Board, a former Chief Executive of HRV, Bernard Saundry.
“With his extensive experience as former CEO of HRV as well as Racing Victoria, and Thoroughbred Racing New Zealand, Bernard brings a wealth of industry knowledge and a reputation for diligence and effectiveness,” the groups said.
“He is highly respected in racing circles for his ability to tackle challenges head-on and deliver results.
“Participants are clearly hoping that with Bernard now as chairman they are optimistic and hopeful that much-needed change will take shape at HRV, and consultation and communication will improve.
“Bernard takes on this role at a particularly challenging time for HRV, but we have every confidence that he will bring the open, transparent leadership that the industry requires, while driving much-needed efficiencies and change at HRV.”
Gloury said the volunteer-based Kindred Bodies had committed themselves to traveling thousands of kilometres to ensure participants in all regions of the State have the opportunity to contribute to the forums.
“We will collate the common feedback and provide recommendations aimed at enhancing our sport,” he said.
“Attendance at these forums is crucial to help shape a brighter future.”
The final forums are scheduled for 7pm at Bendigo next Monday October 28 and Mildura the following night, October 29.