At the recent Canadian Horse Racing Hall of Fame Annual General Meeting, the following items relating to Nomination and Elections were approved. 2022 and 2023.
Nominations and Elections
The Nomination and Election schedules for 2022 and 2023 were confirmed as follows: 2022 nominations will be accepted until August 19, 2022. Nomination forms, as well as information about nomination and election criteria, are available online at Canadian Horse Racing Hall of Fame Nominations | Canadian Horse Racing Hall of Fame, or by contacting
In 2022 a total of eight inductees will be named to the CHRHF, consisting of four representing Standardbred categories and four representing Thoroughbred categories. The CHRHF Class of 2022 is scheduled to be announced on Wednesday, October 5, 2022.
The change in timing, as well as the number of inductees selected have been put into place to allow for the full and formal induction of the classes of 2020 and 2021 at an Induction Gala scheduled to take place August 3, 2022, before naming the next class of inductees.
Tickets for this event which will honour Class of 2020 and 2021 Inductees will be available for purchase beginning May 1st, with additional announcements coming shortly.
In 2023 the timing of the nomination and election process will return to the Hall’s more traditional spring schedule, again with four individuals from each breed making up the CHRHF Class of 2023, and all those named to the Hall in both 2022 and 2023 inducted at a ceremony held during the summer of 2023.
Nomination and Election Committee Updates
In advance of the 2022 Nomination and Election process, the CHRHF Board has approved the following committee changes: Standardbred Nomination Committee Jeff Porchak, Director of Digital Communications, Standardbred Canada was named Chair, Standardbred Nomination Committee. Jeff, who has been the CHRHF Standardbred Election Committee Chair since 2018 brings a strong understanding of the CHRHF Nomination and Election process, as well as a wealth of knowledge relating to Canadian Standardbred racing history.
This change in committee chairs comes as a result of the recent resignation by Kathy Wade Vlaar. The CHRHF acknowledges and thanks Kathy for her long-time commitment and dedication as a volunteer to varying aspects of the CHRHF and wishes her the best in her future endeavours.
Standardbred Election Committee
The vacancy left by Jeff Porchak’s assignment to the Standardbred Election Committee will be filled as follows: Racing journalist and handicapper Garnet Barnsdale, who has been a CHRHF Standardbred voter since 2015 will be the new Election Committee Chair.
The CHRHF also welcomes Melissa Keith as a voter on the 20-member Standardbred Election Committee. Melissa’s involvement with harness racing includes that of a lifelong fan, journalist, and race-caller. Canadian Horse Racing Hall of Fame c/o Woodbine Racetrack 555 Rexdale Blvd., P.O. Box 156 Toronto, ON M9W 5L2 Phone: 416-417-9404
Thoroughbred Nomination Committee
The CHRHF thanks Sue Leslie, Inductee Elect, for agreeing to take on the role of Chair of the Thoroughbred Nomination Committee for the 2022 Nomination and Election cycle. Sue is a long-standing member of both the Thoroughbred Nomination and Election Committees, as well as a member of the CHRHF’s Board of Directors. Her deep understanding of the CHRHF and the Canadian Thoroughbred industry will be of great value as she leads the committee members through the nomination process.
Additionally, Daren Gomez will occupy the position on this committee previously held by Irwin Driedger, who resigned late in 2021. The CHRHF thanks Irwin for his commitment and work during his time volunteering with the CHRHF and wishes him all the best.
Thoroughbred Election Committee
The following individuals have been newly named to the 20-member Thoroughbred Election Committee for 2022, which will continue to be overseen by CHRHF Honoured Member, Jim Bannon. The CHRHF welcomes Jennifer Anstey, Jean Kruse, and Jenn Buck as voters in 2022.
Each brings a unique perspective from their years of involvement within the Canadian Thoroughbred industry as a journalist/publisher, industry association leader and hands-on breeding farm manager respectively. These three new voters fill positions previously held by John Charalambous, who will remain on the Thoroughbred Nomination Committee, Darren MacDonald, and the late and highly respected Harvey Warner.
The CHRHF thanks each for their input during their time on the CHRHF Thoroughbred Election Committee. The Canadian Horse Racing Hall of Fame also thanks those individuals who continue to provide their knowledge, time and interest as participants in the CHRHF nomination and election process, as well as those participating on various committees for the first time in 2022.
The passion for Canadian horse racing and generous commitment of time, is greatly appreciated by all associated with the Canadian Horse Racing Hall of Fame. A complete list of all Canadian Horse Racing Hall of Fame committee members can be found at: Committee Members & Officers | Canadian Horse Racing Hall of Fame
by Linda Rainey, for the Canadian Horse Racing Hall of Fame