Prominent Standardbred harness racing owner Edward Donald James, 92, passed away peacefully on Oct. 29, 2023, in Aurora, Ont., his residence for 53 years.

He was born in 1931 to Ed (Sr.) and Jamima James in Hamilton, Ont. Having never passed Grade 10 (after two attempts), Ed went on to become the national sales manager and president of two different multi-national companies and in his spare time also entreprenerd hugely successful national and global companies both for himself and his sons.
He was a massively respected figure in the horse racing world, having owned racehorses for more than 65 years including U.S. and Canadian Horse Racing Hall of Fame inductee McWicked under his SSG Stables.
Ed was also world-renowned in the Standardbred industry for his SGS driving gloves, used by horsemen throughout the globe in harness racing.
He is survived by his sons Dennis, Stuart and Robert, seven grandchildren, four great grandchildren, and his second wife Lynda. His first wife Diane (mother of the sons) passed away in 2000.
With his infectious wit, humour and charm, he made friends all over the world … with his drive and headstrong bulldozer determination, a few enemies. He will be forever missed by his family and hundreds of friends. He always aimed to be remembered like his father, a solid respected man, a straight arrow. And he achieved that in spades. His dad would be proud.
A Celebration of Life for Ed will be on Dec. 3, 2023, at Filly and Co. 14888 Yonge Street, Aurora, ON, L4G 1M7.
From Standardbred Canada