Pretty Missy May (Big Jim), a two-year-old harness racing filly co-owned by late photographer John Watkins, broke her maiden on Tuesday (Aug. 8) in her first start since his passing.
Watkins, a beloved figure in the Ontario horse racing community, passed away peacefully on Aug. 6 at 59 due to complications with pneumonia. He co-owned Pretty Missy May with James Grant, Dave Walls, and Woodbine Mohawk Park announcer Ken Middleton, who trained the filly until he was injured in an accident on Jul. 2.
On Tuesday, the filly charged out from post seven to take the lead for Louis-Philippe Roy but was overtaken twice and turned for home in third. A host of horses closed down leader Premier Heiress (Scott Young), but Pretty Missy May soared the highest on the inside and put her head in front at the line to win in 1:55.2.
The winning filly returned $14.50.
Pretty Missy May had made four prior starts. Moreau began training the filly in July after Middletonās injury, and she cashed two cheques in the Ontario Sires Stakes Grassroots and was second by a neck last time in an overnight on Aug. 1. Middleton also bred the filly who has now earned $15,648.
Watkins was a well-known and prominent photographer in Ontario. He was nominated for the Media Excellence Award for Outstanding Photograph at the 2020 OāBrien Awards and took several cover photos for TROT Magazine. Many horsepeople, fans, and members of the media offered tributes and condolences on social media on Sunday. They frequently noted his kind and caring nature and remembered him fondly. Watkinsās visitation will be held on Aug. 11 from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at Oshawa Funeral Home with a memorial service the next day at 1:30 p.m.
For complete race results, click here.
by Nicholas Barnsdale, for Harnesslink