Today’s (April 24) fourth leg of the Grand National du Trot at Cordemais Racecourse in France (Gr. III, purse 90,000€, 28000 meters distance handicap, 16 starters ages 5-10 years) went to 2.9/1 odds Igrec de Celland (6m Django Riff-Topaze de Tillard-Capricio) reined by David Thomain.

This one rallied in the lane to score in 1.12.1kr for his eighth career victory in 36 starts for 293,070€ earned. Christophe Jariel owns and trains the winner.
The 2.1/1 Ibiki de Houelle (8m Love You-Sawasde de Houelle-Gazouillis) rallied for second driven by Eric Raffin. This one overcame a 25-meter handicap for breeder/trainer Franck Leblanc for owner Daniel Augereau. He was timed in 1.11.5kr. Goal Star (8g Look de Star-Queen Lane) was a game third after setting the pace until mid-stretch for driver Yoann Lebourgeois, trainer Dominik Locqueneux and Ecurie Lucky 8 Racing. He was off at 5.6/1 odds.
Hold Up du Digeon (7g Bold Eagle) and Have A Dream (7m Royal Dream) were fourth and fifth in this classic series.

To watch the race replay, click here.
The other classic series in France is the Trophee Vert and its next stop is April 26 at Fougeres named the Grand Prix de Trot de Fougeres that is the fifth series leg. This field will race 3200 meters on the turf for a 50,000€ purse. Horace du Goutier, Gitano, Epsom d’Herfraie and Fakir de Mahey are engaged in the next step in this series.
Hippodrome Cordemais, Trotteur Francais files/photos-harness trots
by Thomas H. Hicks, for Harnesslink