Welcome to today’s segment from our harness racing analyst.
Providing you with free expert tips and selections for harness meetings run in New Zealand.
Harness racing hits Auckland again today with nine races on the card. The racing starts at 5:50pm and we highlight some specials and value runners we think can give you a run for your money on a good night of racing.
Auckland selections 28th July 2023
Best Bet: R5 Jethro Bodine
Best Value: R1 Aldebaran Pippi
Race 1
Aldebaran Pippi (10) Manners a worry but she has the speed to go close here. Include
Johnny Who (1) Racing well and will be improved here. Looks hard to beat from the draw
Ultimate Moment (6) Good beginner who is getting fitter. Big chance with luck in running
Race 2
Busload Of Faith (7) Going good races with little luck. One of the major players in this field
Brookside Girl (2) Tidy draw and looks a good chance in this. Should run top three here
Messenger Buoy (4) Racing well and a big chance with a better run in transit. Needed
Race 3
Millies Sensation (7) Tricky draw but one of the better chances in this. Top selection
Hampton (3) Out of form but pops up now and then. Chamce in this field at longer odds
Miki Miksta (11) Building nicely and can improve further. Winning claims with luck
Race 4
KD Royalty (5) Conditions suit and she is in good form at workouts. Top selection
Aardie’s Peak (4) Big run against age group last start and has been freshened. Needed
Luby Lill (3) Tidy draw and nice win last start. Should race well again here. Include
Race 5
Jethro Bodine (1) Has the motor to be a threat here from the draw. Hard to beat
Third Time (3) Racing without luck. Has to be respected in this field at nice odds
Hugotastic (9) Good last start and follows the favourite. Will be running on. Include
Race 6
Brookies Jaffa (8) Wide draw but does have gate speed. Looks a good chance in this field
Smokinhotcheddar (6) Likely to press forward at some stage. Could be hard to run down.
Nelson’s Boy (1) Nice draw and just need manners to be a big chance here. Needed
Race 7
Kiwitrix (4) Going well and gets a head start on the favourite. Can go close in this
Dream Of You (9) Tricky handicap but good enough to overcome it. Winning claims
Lauries Legacy (8) Has a ton of speed. Could surprise with luck in running. Include
Race 8
Aardiebytheseaside (3) Coming in fresh. Held in high regard and has winning claims
Simply Sam (4) Better draw here and he did well last start. Good track stats for this
New York Minute (6) Has beaten better fields in the past. Small field will help here
Race 9
Ilsas Son (5) Going for three in a row and has to be hard to beat again here. Good chance
Maria Theresa (1) Racing well and drawn to be a player in this. Will be running on late
Sans Au Revoir (8) Tricky handicap but good enough to run top three with manners. Include