The American expatriate originally from Rhode Island, Jerry Riordan, is the trainer of leading contender Twister Bi of ITALY. Twister Bi won the Oslo Grand Prix in Norway on June 11.
Confused or at least intrigued yet? There’s more, of course. Enggren was born on August 21, 1929, making him EIGHTY EIGHT years old. Devin Keeling, co-owner of CANADA’s flag-carrier Marion Marauder is just TWENTY! Juxtapose the two and you have a SIXTY EIGHT year gap in ages, that’s a wide gap. Meanwhile, Keeling’s co-owner is his GRANDMOTHER, (Marion) Jean Wellwood, who’s SEVENTY NINE (April 21, 1938), not as wide a gap.
Oasis Bi: Italian stalwart gets third crack at International
And naturally, FRENCH standard-bearer Dreammoko will have Gabriele Gelormini of Turino, ITALY in the sulky.
Dreammoko wears the hood like his famous daddy Timoko
Record-breaking USA star driver Tim Tetrick, who hails from Flora, Illinois, will be in the bike behind Shadow Woodland of FINLAND. In America, we call this a “catch drive.”
Tetrick, American made by way of Illinois, will steer Finland-bred
Oh, finally, no “musical countries” here: Tripolini VP of Denmark will be driven byJeppe Juel of Denmark; the Swede Johnny Takter will be in the bike behindSweden‘s On Track Piraten; and In Secret of the United States is guided byGeorge Brennan, from Monticello, New York.
JC and old crony Barry Lefkowitz, the harness racing foodie, await the start of ’15 Yonkers International, cookin’ with Tripolini!
Twists, turns, irony, a million dollar purse on the line, not to mention some good pasta, that’s the intrigue of the Yonkers International Trot!
By John Cirillo