Grove City, Ohio – The 2022 Buckeye Stallion Series begins Sunday, May 1 with the first leg for three-year-old harness racing filly pacers and trotters at Miami Valley Raceway. Six divisions of pacers and five divisions of trotters will go to the gate with each race carrying a purse of $17,500.
Thirteen offspring of Downbytheseaside highlight the 55 pacers while eleven of the 45 trotters are What The Hill prodigies.
Trainers Virgil Morgan Jr. and Ron Burke will each have six entries while Jason McGinnis will start five fillies.
Monday afternoon, May 2, five divisions of 3-year-old colt trotters will go the post, while the colt pacers are scheduled for Tuesday May 3.
Post time Sunday is 4:05 PM.
by Frank Fraas, for the OHHAĀ