Do you have a breeding that you won’t be using this season? We have a home for it!
We are lining up our stallion roster for the 2022 season and invite you to put your breeding’s to work for the benefit of all – the breeding donor, the mare owner and the Harness Racing Museum.
If you have not participated in this unique and important fundraiser by donating a breeding or placing a bid and would like more information, please contact Joanne Young at or 845-294-6330.
There is no limit on the number of breeding’s we will happily accept and in return we promise professional, dedicated attention to making the best possible arrangements. A complete list of the stallions, conditions and bid form will be posted by Thursday, January 20, at under the Fundraisers tab.
We want to thank those of you who have already donated breeding’s, as these breeding’s will help further the Museum’s Mission – to protect the past, support the present and promote the future of our great sport.
If you have a breeding, or know someone not using a breeding, and want to donate to this important fundraiser please contact Joanne as soon as possible. The list of stallions and conditions will be available at the Museum’s website and on social media. This list will be updated as additional breeding’s are donated – please check the Museum website often.
Bids on these breeding’s must be called in, emailed or postmarked by Saturday, February 12, 2022. Any breeding’s not receiving successful bids may still be available after that date.
We are happy to receive breeding’s throughout the spring and duplicate breeding’s are acceptable.
From the Harness Racing Museum and Hall of Fame