Cream Ridge, NJ – August 18, 2021 – Every week the Standardbred Retirement Foundation, (SRF) helps an average of fourteen (14) Standardbred harness racing horses and broodmares whose lives have gone from ‘days in the Winners Circle’ to hauling heavy loads and working as machinery.
After they are used up, bearing years of neglect and lacking care, they face heart-wrenching slaughter. Today, 55 trotters and pacers are nearing such a horrific end. Homes and donations are critically needed. These horses are crammed in sweltering pens in this heat and humidity being prepared to ship to the Canadian slaughterhouses. Efforts to raise donations, homes, and foster homes are desperate, saving them needs a village of caring people. SRF is pleading for them.
Staff and volunteers are standing by to expedite help offers. These horses are in Shippensburg, Pa. If already approved as an adopter or foster home please email SRF at Others please go to: to provide the information in the application and or call SRF at 609-738-3255 Donations can be made via: Phone our Office: 1-609-738-3255 Visit:
These 55 Standardbreds have a deadline of Tuesday, August 24, 2021. Updates will be provided in further Press Releases and will be on the SRF website, Standardbred Retirement Foundation/SOSS Horses.
The United States Trotting Association, (USTA) and their program will not help its Standardbreds tagged for slaughter, the horses with the greatest need, nor will the ASPCA. This is why these desperate animals need our village of help.
Please note that any of these horses can be purchased directly from the pen by contacting SRF for the telephone number. Standardbred Retirement Foundation, helping Standardbreds exclusively whether young, aged, injured, or neglected; providing lifetime follow-up, so no horse is ever at risk again. SRF is the largest Standardbred adoption program organization in the US and is currently feeding and caring for 454 Standardbreds today.
From the Standardbred Retirement Foundation