WASHINGTON, PA – March 6, 2020 — Reading, Writing & Harness Racing.
That may be a twist on the traditional version of the "Three R's," but it was the order of the day Thursday when The Meadows drivers participated in national Read Across America Week/Dr. Seuss Day activities by reading to students at a local school.
Drivers Jason Merriman, Dan Rawlings and Mike Wilder visited Trinity North Elementary School near The Meadows and read to children in grades K-4. The horsemen read selections from Dr. Seuss and Bonnie Worth's If I Ran the Horse Show: All About Horses.
This marks the fifth consecutive year in which the Meadows Standardbred Owners Association (MSOA) and its members have participated in the event. Wilder has been a volunteer reader every year.
"When our qualifiers were finished, I got pretty excited about going to the school," Wilder said. "I couldn't wait to get there and see the kids' faces light up."
After reading, the drivers took questions — some about racing, some about their personal lives.
"They asked what's your horse's name, so I explained that we drive many horses," Wilder said. "They asked how many wins do you have, have you ever been hurt, how fast do the horses go. For young kids, they asked pretty good questions.
"The whole event is a great deal. I love it and would never turn down the opportunity."
By Evan Pattak, for The Meadows Standardbred Owners Association