The following letter was received at Harnesslink from Joseph Faraldo and it pertains to a letter in Harness Racing Update over the weekend from Danielle Henri, the mother of Rene and Simon Allard.
If Rene Allard’s mom owned her own horses for years she should be allowed to race her horses if her only involvement in any of the allegations against Rene, is her being Rene’s mom. A similar argument could be made for Simon Allard ie., that guilt, by association is similarly wrong. As far as the new trainers they are free to choose who they train for and guilt by association should not be the standard by which the industry further tarnishes otherwise innocent trainers who are not acting as beards.
The presumption that relatives are as guilty as those charged, whose guilt is not yet proven, is a favorite pastime of our industry and is why the industry suffers in the eyes of the outside world , because it comes from inside.
The justice system is competent in ferreting out the guilty from the innocent and those who are guilty should and must be penalized. Those who are complicit with anyone directly involved in breaking regulations whether they rise to the level of crimes or not, including other trainers, beards, grooms and even owners, should be punished. Penalizing any of the owners, trainers or a myriad of others who would aid criminal activity should have some modicum of proof, not be applied by mere association.
As far as Yonkers, the HRU headline was disgraceful in and of itself but endemic of the mob mentality that is prevalent in this business. Yonkers rightfully accepted her entry and that was appropriate until the firestorm created by Harness Racing Update article. At that point Yonkers then succumbed to the mob mentality giving the impression that the entry was accepted incorrectly and then decided to follow up by sacrificing up this owner to satiate the presumably false narrative that was promulgated by HRU.
It was interesting to hear a new version for the Yonkers action and that was that Rene’s mom made a lot of money from the prior relationship with her son . One has to wonder if all the owners, some of the biggest to the smallest in the game, should be barred by some or all the tracks in the country or at their own tracks who used any specific trainer or driver who subsequently violates any rule. The question is which trainer with a valid license may be the next to get get accused of some wrongdoing or trouble. Some very good owners have quit the business because some tracks have taken this just a bit too far, Yonkers included. You can’t make this up.
Think of the hypocrisy inherent in this mob mentality. So many others who have horses with those indicted or those charged in an information, are allowed to still race their horses even though they may have indirectly profited from trainer activities which are alleged to be criminal in nature but whose activities were unknown to them. Where is the outcry for similar punishment to that meted out to this one owner and driver or is that too logical for the industry to ask? Or is it simply that the industry does not wish to apply the same rationale to others it gives a pass too.?
It is because all of this, that this current industry sanctioned approach is wrong and hypocritical for so many reasons. Many presumed guilty owners have sold their horses because they are now wearing their “scarlet letter” and have quit the game altogether.
Every, let it be repeated that every successful trainer starting in my memory with George “Buddy” Regan, is suspect of wrongdoing by this wrongheaded mentality. George was so disheartened he basically quit the game. Lets acknowledge then that every successful trainer and all their owners in our game are guilty regardless of the necessity of proof. We all know better than to need proof and we can all just keep demeaning the game instead of better policing it. When speculation becomes the substitute for proof and rumor mongering and innuendo become the basis for action, driven manly from within the game, the game is shooting itself in the foot.
The failure to make more serious efforts to regulate the sport by those vested with such responsibility has in part led us to this precipice. Hopefully, an independent, repeat independent and hard working organization like Dr Jablonsky has recommended and USTA president Russell Williams and the Executive Committee has embraced will do its work successfully and the industry will enjoy a reawakening.
From Joseph Faraldo