The affected cards, and their respective draw and scratch dates, are as follows:
Race Date – Draw Date – Scratch Date
Friday (May 28) – Monday (May 24) – Tuesday (May 25)
Sunday (May 30) – Tuesday (May 25) – Wednesday (May 26)
Monday (May 31) – Wednesday (May 26) – Thursday (May 27)
The entry box closes at 9 a.m. each day.
Sunday’s card features three $100,000 invitational events for older horses: the Commodore Barry for male pacers, the Betsy Ross for female pacers, and the Maxie Lee for trotters. The post draws for these races will be live streamed Tuesday in conjunction with the Pennsylvania Harness Horsemen’s Association. Additionally, the Sunday program features Pennsylvania Sire Stakes and Stallion Series races for 3-year-old pacing colts and geldings, along with a trio of $30,000 Open events.
The full Sunday condition sheet is available at this link: