Tom Linkmeyer, the former Deputy Director of the Indiana Racing Commission, is this week’s guest on the Harness Racing Alumni Show. Interviewed by Andy Cohen, he discusses the reasons for his recent departure from the Indiana Racing Commission.
His belief is that some of his investigations might have influenced his departure. Linkmeyer reveals in detail, a mysterious hidden ownership case involving Howard Taylor that he was investigating. Tom also discusses his conversation with USTA’s T.C. Lane who confirms that an investigation is underway.
The Harness Racing Alumni Show reached out to Howard Taylor to respond to Mr. Linkemeyer’s allegations. Taylor has not responded. If he does, we will pass it along. We also called T.C. Lane of the USTA, who confirmed that there is an active investigation of Taylor based in part on Mr. Linkmeyer’s claims. If we get an update from T.C. we will pass it along to our listeners.
To listen to the podcast, click here.
From the Harness Racing Alumni Show