Northville, MI — Northville Downs is set to open its doors for the 2023 harness racing meet.
Racing will be contested each Friday and Saturday evening, beginning April 7, through Sept. 30, with a new first race post time of 7 p.m. each race night for the Michigan oval.
Qualifying races will be held at Northville Downs on March 16 and March 23 with first post time for qualifying races to be 11 a.m. each day. Condition sheets for qualifiers will be posted on the U.S. Trotting Association’s website in the coming days.
It is important to note that the Michigan Gaming Control Board is instructing all horsemen and women, as well as all racing participants (including racetrack employees at all levels) to complete fingerprinting and licensing requirements before horses are entered to qualify and race. In doing so, this will allow ample time for the MGCB to receive said fingerprint results on-time prior to qualifiers and the race meet commencing.
In 2023, before you can be granted a license, you must get fingerprinted, and the results must be received by the MGCB Licensing Office. Please refer to the MGCB website for additional licensing and fingerprinting resources.
In addition to racing returning to the Northville, Mich., oval, track announcer Ken Terpenning has taken the reins of Northville Downs’ social media marketing campaigns. Fans can tune in to fun and random videos and posts by Michigan harness racers on the TikTok page @GetYourHeartRacingMI, which has become the most followed TikTok page in all of horse racing with well over 4,200 followers.
The videos featured have over 10,400 Likes and nearly 150,000 views (to date) since the account was established in mid-September 2022. A new Twitter account has been established for Northville Downs which can be found @TheVilleRacing. A new Instagram account named northvilledownsracing has also been created. The Northville Downs’ Facebook account is now refreshed and updated regularly.
And finally, the Northville Downs website has been updated and will continue to be updated throughout the year.
From Northville Downs