Grove City, Ohio – The Ohio Harness Horsemen’s Association has awarded Governor Mike DeWine the Association’s exclusive Dr. John P. Stevens Humanitarian Award.
Governor DeWine began his term as the 70th governor of Ohio in 2019. Throughout his tenure, he has been a champion of Ohio’s agriculture and harness racing industries, understanding their importance in the state’s heritage and economy.

Governor DeWine has shown unwavering support for county fair racing, specifically at the Delaware County Fair and Little Brown Jug. He has faithfully attended the Grand Circuit race, using the event to showcase the best of the Buckeye State. Governor DeWine has supported legislation that increased Jug purses and bettered fairground facilities.
The Dr. John P. Stevens Humanitarian Award is presented to an individual involved with the Standardbred and agricultural industries who exhibits exceptional compassion and dedicated service to mankind. Governor DeWine and his wife, Fran, embody kindness, which is evident in their everyday lives and service to Ohioans.
The Dr. John P. Stevens Humanitarian Award is exclusive, having been awarded only 21 times since its inception. R. Kevin Greenfield was the most recent recipient in 2018.
Governor DeWine will be honored for his contributions at the Ohio Harness Horsemen’s Association Annual Awards Banquet on January 18, 2025, at the Marriott Columbus Airport in Columbus, Ohio. Seats are sold out.
by Ashley Dailey, for the OHHA