Cream Ridge, NJ -5/31/2023 – The winner of the Standardbred Retirement Foundation’s (SRF), annual spring raffle to win $5,000. is Apryll Heffering. We congratulate her and thank her and each and every one for supporting this very much-needed effort to take care of the 522 horses that have given so much. We have not been able toĀ reach Mrs. Heffering with the good news just yet.
The drawing took place in front of our dinner guests and golfers at SRF’s 30th annual charity outing. The day on the Greens was fabulous with 134 golfers and perfect weather to enjoy it! It is with great thanks to our sponsors, donors, and participants that we share some photos. Thank you to our supporters for making it such a success!
SRF fundraisers and donations from individuals make up for 92% of how these horses receive their needed care every day. It also accounts for our effort to help the ones in danger of shipping to such an unacceptable way to end their lives. Taking it to the next critical stage is protecting SRF follows every adoption for life to avoid future risk again. It takes a community of very special people who support this work to get this accomplished.
From the Standardbred Retirement Foundation