The Harness Horse Breeders of NYS would like to remind horse owners and harness racing trainers about updates and other information.
The date at Monticello for all Two Year Old Colt Trot NYSS events has been changed to June 30th (draw date of June 27th by 9am)
Please make sure you have USTA eligibility paperwork done and your USTA license to race at County Fairs.
The 2015 proposed USTA rule to stop 2-Year-Olds from racing on consecutive days did NOT PASS. You may enter and race two days in a row if you wish.
You must have a W-9 on file in the NYSS office to receive County Fair(only) purse checks.
The Monticello race program for Monday June 27th, 2016 (Draw date Wed. June 22, 2016 by 9am) will have a class for NY-Bred 3-Year-Old Trotting Fillies with a purse of $5,000.
Residency Form B is due after your resident mare has been in New York for a total of 180 days. These forms must be done every year you bred to a NY eligible stallion and are in the state for at least 180 days.
If you have any questions please call 518-785-5858
Harness Horse Breeders of New York State