Just last week in a Harnesslink exclusive, Harnesslink learned that in the coming days, a group of prominent harness racing trainers in New Jersey comprising Marcus Melander, Nifty Norman, Brett Pelling, Kelvin Harrison, Kevin McDermott and Jeff Cullipher will be charged with administering phenylbutazone (Bute) within the pre-race withholding period as per the rules of the New Jersey Racing Commission (NJRC).
The charges date back to the 2020 racing season when, at the onset of the calendar year, the New Jersey Administrative Code read that a phenylbutazone was “not to be administered within the 24 hours before post time for the race in which the horse is entered.”
The charges from the NJRC state that the rule was changed from 24 hours to 48 hours and that the trainers are guilty. Yet no one in the Standardbred industry in New Jersey can recall the NJRC ever announcing or advertising the change in the withholding period for giving Bute to Standardbreds.
It was advertised and posted by the NJRC that the change from 24 to 48 hours would go into effect for Thoroughbreds, but never for Standardbreds.
According to the evidence that was ultimately put before a federal judge, no communication was made by the New Jersey Racing Commission informing horseman, the Standardbred Breeders and Owners Association of New Jersey (SBOANJ), or licensed veterinarians of such change. The judge ruled in favor of the horsemen.
Apparently now, the NJRC went to a higher court that has ruled in their favor, which seems out of place since the NJRC has the right to overrule court decisions.
“This is an absolute disgrace,” said trainer Kelvin Harrison. “It’s the biggest joke of all time. Anybody that has any form of a conscience would never do this. It’s been 48 hours for many years in New York. We have no problem with that. If you know the rule you know the rule. This is just mind bogging. It’s proven that they are doing the wrong thing.
“It just makes you want to give it up and get out of the sport,” Harrison added. “I’m 73 and have to put up with this bull. These people are put in charge of the racing commission, and they know nothing of horse racing.”
More on this story will appear in Harnesslink shortly.
by Steve Wolf, for Harnesslink