Condition sheets are now available for the first two qualifying dates and the opening weekend of Eldorado Scioto Downs’ 2023 harness racing racing season.
The first qualifiers will be held during Press Night, on Thursday, May 4 with a 5:50 p.m. first post. This will be a dry run for opening night, so anyone warming up and drivers will be required to be in full colors.
“We are greatly anticipating starting the 2023 racing season and we wanted to start off on the right foot bringing back Press Night for the first set of qualifiers,” said Jason Roth, Scioto’s Director of Racing. “With media anticipated on-site for the unveiling of our new $27-million grandstand, we want to put on a professional show for this dry run.”
The second qualifier will be on Tuesday, May 9 at 12:00 p.m. Qualifiers will continue on Tuesdays with a typical first post of 1:15 p.m. before the Tuesday afternoon races.
The first week’s condition sheet is also available, covering the opening weekend of Thursday-Saturday, May 11-13. First post for each racing day will be 5:50 p.m. The first Tuesday and Wednesday conditions are also available to give horsemen an idea of how the entire week will lay out.
Daily average overnight purses will be $211,111 for the 90-day live racing season. The typical race schedule will be Tuesdays-Saturdays with first post of 3:15 p.m. on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, with 5:50 p.m. first post for Thursdays-Saturdays.
“We want to capitalize our position in the simulcast market and we believe these post times will put us in a great position throughout the summer,” explained Joseph Morris, Senior Vice President of Racing for Caesars Entertainment. “We anticipate a great live, on-track crowd for our Thursday through Saturday evening programs, which will bring back the excitement to Ohio’s Showplace of Racing.”
More information about the entire Scioto Downs racing season, including race schedule, wagering menu, VIP room reservations and more can be found at
From Eldorado Scioto Downs