At the May 6th Board of Directors meeting, the Standardbred Owners Association of New York (SOA) unanimously approved the motion made by harness racing director Ray Schnittker to donate $7,500 to the Standardbred Transition Alliance (STA).
The STA is a non-profit organization with Federal 501(c) (3) status whose mission is to accredit, inspect and award grants to approved organizations that acquire, rehabilitate, train and re-home Standardbreds.
SOA President Joe Faraldo said, “Our action today is in furtherance of our collective belief that the best way to ensure that we are funding the best possible aftercare facilities is to donate either to the STA or directly to STA-accredited entities. We are happy to help and make this donation with full confidence that the funding will be used appropriately.”
STA President David Reid stated, “on behalf of our entire board, we sincerely appreciate the SOA of New York’s support and generous donation to the STA, which will help fund our accredited facilities to provide aftercare.”
Funding for the STA is generated across the spectrum of the Standardbred industry, including regulatory agencies, horsemen’s groups, tracks, sales companies, farms, and individuals who participate as trainers, drivers, owners, and breeders.
The STA provides partial funding to groups serving Standardbreds, ensuring donor confidence by examining the equine care and business practices of groups applying for accreditation.
It is expected that the accreditation process will also assist groups in developing sustainable policies and programs.