WILKES-BARRE, PA — There appears to be conflicting information “out there” about the next few stops on the Pennsylvania Fair Circuit, so this is issued in clarification.
This coming Friday, September 10, there will be a draw for a 2-day event at Gratz, with that racing on Sunday the 12th and Monday the 13th.
The following Tuesday, the 14th, there will be a draw for a 2-day event at the Crawford County Fair in Meadville PA, for racing on Thursday the 16th and Friday the 17th.
Friday the 17th, there will be a draw for the Gratz Fair, which will be raced on Sunday, September 19, and Monday, September 20.
Further information about the final stop on the PA fair circuit, Bloomsburg, will be folded into the next few releases.
From the Pennsylvania Fairs partnership