Revised "Use of the Whip" rules (3769-17-17) for Ohio harness racing that were approved at the March 30th Ohio State Racing Commission's meeting will need to be reviewed by two other state boards (Common Sense Initiative and Joint Committee on Agency Rule Review), before taking effect in 90 days.
While there are already regulations-via state codes-in place for the use of the whip in harness racing competitions, the new additions are much more specific and restrictive, and will affect all four of Ohio's pari-mutuel raceways, including Northfield Park, Miami Valley Raceway, Scioto Downs and Hollywood at Dayton, as well as the Buckeye State's 60 county fairs that conduct harness racing.
The new rule is as follows: 3769-17-17
(A) All drivers must keep a line in each hand beginning when the horse is behind the starting gate and continuing through the finish of the race.
(B) Whipping shall be restricted to elbow and wrist action only and the whipping arm shall not be raised about the driver's shoulder height.
(C) Drivers shall not move their whipping arm in an exaggerated manner and the lines shall remain reasonably taut during the race.
(D) Driver shall not use the whip below the level of the shaft, forward of the race bike's wheels.
(E) Drivers shall not place the whip between the horse's legs.
(F) Drivers shall not strike another horse or driver with the whip.
(G) Drivers shall not use the handle of the whip on a horse.
(H) Drivers are permitted to use their hand or the whip in a sliding or gliding manner above the level of the shaft.
(I) Drivers shall not use the whip on a tired horse, on a horse that is not visibly responding, or when a horse is not in contention in a race.
(J) Drivers shall not use the whip without giving the horse time to respond to a previous application of the whip.
(K) Whips shall be no longer than 48 inches with the cracker no longer than six inches in length. No leather or unusual materials may be used. The conventional cracker shall not be knotted and tape is only permitted on the handle of the whip. All other modifications of the whip are prohibited.
(L) Excessive, indiscriminate, visibly injurious or abusive use of the whip is prohibited.
(M) In addition the penalties provide in Rule 3769-17-99, the violation of any of the provisions in this rule may result in loss of placement or disqualification.
Kimberly A. Rinker
Ohio State Racing Commission