Columbus, OH — The U.S. Trotting Association announced Thursday (June 1) that as the result of recently reported issues with the harness racing sulky model Spyder 3D and after a detailed investigation held by the USTA, in cooperation with the sulky manufacturer, the decision has been made to withdraw it from the USTA Approved Sulky list, effective immediately.
“There were issues reported to us recently regarding the Spyder 3D sulky and we moved immediately to investigate, which led to the decision to withdraw it from our approved list of sulkies,” said USTA Chairman of the Board Joe Faraldo, who also chairs the USTA Sulky Committee. “As USTA directors and members of the Sulky Committee it is of the utmost importance to ensure absolute safety for all participants, both human and equine.”
As a result of the uncertainty, on Tuesday (May 30) the USTA, under the direction of Faraldo, took immediate action to remove the sulky from the USTA Approved Sulky list, pending an investigation. The following special notice was sent to all racetracks, racing commissions and horsemen’s associations:
The United States Trotting Association has withdrawn the sulky model “3D”, which is manufactured by Spyder, from the USTA Approved Sulky list, effective immediately.
A detailed investigation, in cooperation with the sulky manufacturer, is being conducted currently, to ensure absolute safety for all participants, both human and equine. At the conclusion of the investigation, an announcement will be forthcoming to the industry stakeholders.
In accordance with USTA Rule 18.21 – Sulky Performance Standards/Approval, the USTA Sulky Committee, led by Faraldo with other members of the committee, USTA Directors Jordan Stratton, Jeff Gregory, Steve McCoy, and Sam Beegle, met on May 31 (Wednesday) and made the decision to withdraw approval for the Spyder 3D sulky.

From the USTA Communications Department