Grove City, Ohio – Dr. Dan Wilson and Tom Laughbaum will be presented the 2021 Ohio Harness Horsemen’s Association Special Service to Harness Racing Awards at the Ohio Harness Horsemen’s Association Annual Awards Banquet on Saturday January 15.
Dr. Wilson was raised on a farm in Sabina, Ohio and graduated from The Ohio State University School of Veterinary Medicine in 1975. He joined the Randall Veterinary Clinic near Cleveland and began practicing on the backstretch of Northfield Park. He spent nearly 50 years making significant, life-long contributions to Ohio harness racing before retiring in the spring of 2021.
Dr. Wilson was once quoted as saying, “Growing up, I couldn’t get enough of horses. It’s a great satisfaction to be able to improve their life, make them feel better and make them healthier. I’m a racetrack practitioner, and the rewarding part to me is to see what you’ve done and accomplished. It’s just wonderful to see them go out and do what they’re supposed to do.”
Laughbaum has been a member of Crawford County Fair Board for four decades and has served as the Speed Superintendent for over 25 years. During his time on the fair board, Laughbaum has spearheaded projects big and small to improve local harness racing in whatever way possible.
He gathers sponsors for every race, prepares race programs and payouts, oversees draws, and is the official timer on race days. He has played a major role in advancing Bucyrus harness racing with track and barn improvements as well as helping host the annual spring matinee.
by Frank Fraas, for the OHHA